Experts from the field of business and management, across different industries are regularly invited to interact and impart their knowledge, skills and expertise to our students. The objective of these seminars, workshops and guest lecture sessions is to acquaint our students with the real-world business situations, and to provide them with an understanding of how their learnings inside the classroom translates into application in the real world.

Seminars, Workshops and Guest Lectures
Business and Management Festivals
Business and Management Festivals are held with the objective of providing students of not just Ace, but students all across Nepal and beyond, a platform to exhibit and showcase their capabilities in Administration, Business, Entrepreneurship and Management. Various sub-events incorporating elements of Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Public Relations, Entrepreneurship and Current Affairs are conducted.

Performing Arts and Culture
Various events and activities ranging from Annual Drama, Acoustic Music Festival, Fashion Show, Dance, Singing, Art and Painting, Press Conference, Radio Jingles, Video Advertisements etc., are organized to provide a platform to our students to express their creativity and talent.
Tours and Recreation
International Tours are organized for the students where they travel outside Nepal and experience international cultures, traditions and people. National tours are also organized where students travel and trek to different parts of the country and get to know Nepal more. Industrial Tours are regularly organized where the students are taken to different organizations, and are oriented about the process of production, supply-chain, marketing and selling of different products of those organizations.